Client Love

At Soul Key Method, every testimonial touches my heart deeply. ​Hearing about your transformation, healing, and the clarity ​you’ve found through our sessions fills me with immense ​gratitude. Thank you for trusting me to be your healing guide ​and for allowing me to deliver the messages your heart needed ​to hear. Your words of love and support mean everything to me.

Line with heart

I had a past life regression session with ​Sharon and it was such a wonderful ​experience. It brought me back to one ​of the lifetimes I was a high priestess ​working with dragons and gave me ​further clarity around how to continue ​that work in this lifetime. I suffered a ​horrible death, and at the end of the ​session there was a healing that took ​place and it was very symbolic. I was ​no longer chained down from living & ​accomplishing my purpose in this life. ​Sharon is wise and insightful, calm and ​loving. I would highly recommend a ​past life regression with Sharon!

Line with heart

My past life regression was amazing ​with Sharon. I didn't know how it ​would go and if I would actually be ​able to get comfortable enough, but ​Sharon did an amazing job at making ​me feel at ease and I was able to easily ​see and interact with several past lives. ​I saw how many themes that were ​happening in those lives, show up ​currently in my own life. I've been told ​I need to open up and allow others in ​before, but I never really understood ​why. But after having this session, I am ​determined to shift out of my old ​pattern of isolation. Listening back to ​the audio, was amazing, because I ​remembered everything (I thought) ​but when I listened to the tape, I was ​surprised at pieces that I hadn't ​remembered. That offered new pieces ​to the puzzle. This will be something I ​go back to as I continue on my ​spiritual journey. If you are even ​slightly interested in past life ​hypnotherapy, I highly recommend ​Sharon.

Line with heart

Sharon has an amazing ability to draw ​out the exact guidance that will serve ​you most at any given time... the ​insights she offers are exactly what I ​need to hear. I recommend her ​completely if you're in the market for a ​direct hit of divine guidance!

Elizabeth / Blended Healing Session

Line with heart

Sharon's ability to tap into the energy ​of what you're asking guidance for has ​always been so reliable for me. I ​thoroughly recommend booking in for ​a card reading.

Amanda / Card Reading Session

Line with heart
Line with heart

I had the opportunity to have a session ​with Sharron regarding past life ​regression. What a wonderful gift. She ​was able to give me some answers to ​some questions that have been ​weighing heavy on me. With the ​answers I now have peace, but I ​haven't had in a very long time. I ​highly recommend Sharron she is a ​gift.

Line with heart

I recently had the opportunity to work ​with Sharon and I was very impressed ​with her services. she is ​knowledgeable and compassionate, ​and really took the time to make sure ​that I felt comfortable and supported ​throughout the process, and I came ​away feeling much more connected ​to my spirituality. I would highly ​recommend Sharon to anyone who is ​looking into doing past life regression

Line with heart

I was blessed to receive a past life ​regression with Sharon, and the ​experience was profound beyond ​words. I left the meeting with a deep ​sense of trust and knowing that I am ​following my souls highest path. I was ​awakened to the realization that each ​lifetime has prepared me for the one I ​live today, and that with every passing ​life I learn invaluable lessons that ​never leave my soul. I came in contact ​with my spirit guide, I learned his ​name and how to communicate with ​him every single day. I spoke with my ​passed loved ones and they reminded ​me of their everlasting presence in my ​life. Overall, my souls purpose has ​been solidified. I am here to spread ​love and light to the world, and I truly ​know now that it all has a purpose, ​that I can trust the divine and leave ​this life with joy in my heart and wind ​under my wings

Line with heart

Sharon went back to points in my life ​that were incredibly painful to me. She ​hit every mark! I don't know how she ​can be so accurate but she is amazing! ​My stomach feels so much better and ​I feel so much more at peace. I highly ​recommend her services! I will be ​going back for more readings.

Dawn / Emotion & Body Code Session

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